Fern Creek Baptist Church

Kendall Optometry Ministry, Inc.

logoWith primary emphasis in underdeveloped countries, Kendall Optometry Ministry, Inc. was established in 2003 by Holland Kendall, a member of Fern Creek Baptist Church. The mission of Kendall Optometry Ministry is to spread the Word of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This is accomplished by providing glasses to improve the vision of people living in many underdeveloped countries. These impoverished people can now see to read their Bibles, and also improve their standard of living.

Kendall Optometry Ministry, Inc (KOM) is a 501-3c non-profit organization formed to provide optical equipment and training to Christian optical mission teams traveling all over the world. The equipment and training is provided at no cost and supplies are provided at a break even price. Teams are responsible for building their own eyeglasses inventory, but much assistance (in the form of training and software) is provided by KOM to assist in the building of this inventory. KOM also has a limited supply of barcoded glasses (prescription in barcode) which can be used to quickly build an inventory.

Visit Kendall Optometry Ministry, Inc's web site here.

Optical Clinic in Nicaragua
Measuring Eyes in Nicaragua
A Hallelujah moment in Swaziland, South Africa
Romanian man happy with his new glasses
Honduran boy before he received his glasses
Afterwards the little boy says
“Mommy, I can see!”
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