Fern Creek Baptist Church

Weekly Schedule

Download an Adobe Acrobat PDF of the below schedule here!

   8:30 a.m.      Instrumental Ensemble Rehearsal 
                            (fourth Sunday of each month)
   9:30 a.m.     Sunday School
 10:45 a.m.      Morning Worship
   5:00 p.m.      Middle/High School Choir
   6:00 p.m.      Discipleship Training (Adults)  
                        Handbells (Adults)
                        Mission Friends (Preschool Missions, ages 2-5)
                        Girls in Action (Missions, Girls grades 1-5)
                        Royal Ambassadors (Missions, Boys grades 1-5)
                        Acteens (Missions, Girls grades 6-12)
                        Challengers (Missions, Boys grades 6-12)
Worship services or special events will be held at this time when classes do
not meet.
   7:00 p.m.      Business Meeting (Quarterly on 2nd Sunday)
                        Deacons’ Meeting (Monthly on 1st Sunray)
   7:00  p.m.     G*R*O*W      1st Week   - G Teams            
                                                2nd Week  - R Teams
                                                3rd Week  - O Teams
                                                4th Week  - W Teams
                                                5th Week  - All Teams
  9:30 a.m.       Sisterhood (3rd Tuesday of each month)            
10:00 a.m.       G*R*O*W  (1st Tuesday of the month – G3 Team)  
  2:30 p.m.       Open Gym for Youth (canceled in summer)
  6:45 p.m.       Committee Meetings (1st Tuesday of each quarter)
  8:00 p.m.       Church Council (1st Tuesday of each quarter)


5:30 p.m.      Dinner (canceled in summer)
6:30 p.m.     Wednesday Worship and Prayer Service
                  Children's Choirs
                  L.I.G.H.T. for Youth
7:30 p.m.       Adult Choir Rehearsal

G*R*O*W (1st Wednesday of the month– G4 Team)

10:00 a.m.     Women on Mission  Quilting Group (1st & 3rd Thursday of the month)
11:30 a.m.      “Young at Heart” (2nd Thursday of most months)

10:00 a.m.       Women on Mission - AGAPE Group (1st Saturday of each month)

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"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
John 13:34-35

Service Times


  • 9:30 a.m. - Sunday School
  • 10:45 a.m. - Morning Worship
  • 6:00 p.m. - Worship / Discipleship and Missions Classes


  • 6:30 p.m. - Wednesday Worship / Youth Bible Study / Children's Choirs



5920 Bardstown Rd.
Louisville, KY 40291

Telephone: 502-239-0316
Fax: 502-239-0317

Contact Us

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 pm

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